The Aphasia Research Library (ARL) was created and is maintained by aphasia researchers primarily for use by people with aphasia, their supporters, aphasia researchers and the wider public.
The purpose is to support making aphasia research available in an aphasia-friendly way.
In these Terms of Use a Summary includes:
Other types of information includes:
It is important that you check what restrictions might exist before you add a Summary.
If your research has already been published as an article, the information presented in that article may be subject to copyright restrictions. The copyright to that article may be owned by the journal that published it. Before you add a Summary, you need to make sure you either own the Copyright or have a licence (legal permission) to that Summary.
By adding a Summary to ARL you are confirming:
You will keep the Copyright (or licence) to any of your work when you add a Summary to ARL.
However, by adding a Summary to ARL, you are agreeing to allow ARL to publish that Summary using the terms of the Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 licence. You can read information about this Creative Commons licence.
The ARL is primarily composed of user-generated content – the Summaries that people add.
To ensure quality and integrity, the ARL team:
You can remove your Summary at any time by:
Please note that even after deleting an already published Summary other people, bots, or organisations may have already kept a copy your Summary.
To enable you to keep a backup of your hard-work you can download an archive of all your Summary data from the Download Your Data link in your user menu.
The ARL uses essential and optional cookies.
We use an essential Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) cookie that helps protect the site.
We use an optional session cookie to store the session id of a browsing session. The ARL Database stores the format preferences of people who use the ARL which is looked up using the session id in this cookie. These preferences relate to the visual presentation of information, section preferences and text-to-speech preferences.
If users have not logged-in to an ARL profile, the preference information will be entered by the user through options available in the ARL site.
If users have logged-in to an ARL profile, their preference information is stored in our database after being entered by the user through options available in the ARL site.
You can choose not to accept this cookie. If you choose not to use this cookie, the ARL will present as a standard view, and you won’t be able to login.
We will record your decisions about accepting or declining the optional cookie through a cookie_consent cookie.
Your usage of the ARL may require you to create an account. Creating an account has the following required information:
This information will be stored in our database.
You can choose to use a connected social login such as ORCID or Google. If you choose to use a connected social login the information about the service you choose will be stored in our database, but your login credentials for that service are not available to the ARL and are not tracked or retained by us in any way.
Usernames are publicly viewable. Other profile information (like name, bio and homepage) is totally optional, but any information will be publicly viewable. Email addresses and any connected social logins (ORCID or Google) are kept in our database and are kept private.
ARL stores server logs that include information including IP addresses for at most one month (30 days).
We keep logs of the number of visits to a page or article to track article view counts. We collect this information to understand how visitors are using the ARL and which features/summaries are most helpful. These logs do not include any identifying information such as the IP Address of your computer.
We at the ARL will do our best to ensure the security, functionality, availability and accuracy of the service, but the site is provided without warranty and as-is except where legal responsibility exists.
If you find a security flaw, please notify the team at
You agree to the ARL team contacting you about your account, your Summaries and may also send you occasional updates about the site.